
Знакомство со странами и культурой России, с ведущими вузами РФ, на русском языке при планировании поступлений в музыку
для подростков из разных стран 14 -17 лет

14 июня - 28 июня
1 июля - 14 июля
17 июля - 31 июля (или 29 июля – 11) август)
Объединяя людей разных культур, РУДН привлекает лидеров, которые делают мир лучше.

RUDN University today

educational programs
​place in the world as the “greenest”university
​lifelong learning education programs
​countries of the world
Место в мировом
рейтинге QS


number of students
place in the world ranking of the best universities
number of foreign students

research and educational laboratories
>10 000
>33 000
Location: Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6
Accommodation: the dormitories of the RUDN University campus
Living: in modern comfortable rooms for 2-3 persons
Meals: three meals a day in the RUDN University cafeteria
Transfer: RUDN University corporate transport for excursions, meeting/seeing off at the airport.
Security: pupils are supervised constantly and around the clock

Program Description

Educational program: "Welcome to Russia!"
Professional tutors: have experience in supporting international programs
Guides: supervise the training program, help to overcome the language barrier and establish business and personal communications
Cultural events and entertainment: excursions, quests, master classes, competitions, projects

Расположение: г. Москва,
ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6
Размещение: в современных общежитиях кампуса РУДН
Проживание: 2-3 местные номера
Питание: трехразовое питание в столовой РУДН
Трансфер: на экскурсии, встреча/проводы в аэропорт, корпоративный транспорт РУДН
Безопасность: дети находятся под присмотром постоянно и круглосуточно

Acquaintance with Moscow universities

RUDN University

is an internationally oriented educationaland research center widely known around the world for its achievements in the organization of the educational process, as well as for its research and international relations

National Research University "Higher School of economics"

is one of the largest universities in Russia having achievements both on all-Russian and world level.

M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

is the first Russian university, the national scientific and cultural phenomenon, which Russia is proud of.


More details about the program

Day 1
Day 1

Meeting at the Sheremetyevo airport Accommodation on the RUDN university campus

• dinner

• receiving a training package

• animation program

Day 2
Day 2

The Introductive part of the course

• the program presentation

• acquaintance with the Institute of Foreign Languages

• the tour of the RUDN University campus

Communicational Russian conversation course

• interaction

Sightseeing tour of the center of Moscow, quest walk around the Red Square and the Zaryadye Park

• interesting story

• vivid emotions

• visiting interesting places

Day 3
Day 3

The Quest around the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and the RUDN University campus

Communicational Russian conversation course

• entertaining practice

Master classes (optional):

creating a handwork piece of your choice:

• Matryoshka nesting dolls

• grain-dolls

• the Firehorse

• playing on spoons

• traditional old Russian entertainments

Day 4
Day 4

“My dear capital, my golden Moscow!”

• tour of the Neskuchny Garden

• the walk through the Gorky Park

• boat trip on the Moscow River

You will see, hear, feel both the city and yourself in it from a new viewpoint!

Day 5
Day 5

Communicational Russian conversation course

• overcoming of the language barrier

Tour of Moscow State University

• Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills)

• Cable car

Get acquainted with the first university in Russia - the center of Russian science and culture!

Day 6
Day 6

The “Around HSE” Excursion

• the Higher School of Economics campus

• the first MBA program

• the mission of the School is to prepare students for doing business in Russia

Master class in Russian folk dances, watching the famous fragments of the “Swan Lake” ballet

• Russian folk dances and ballet are the hallmark of Russian culture

• the kinds of Russian dance: rounddance, quadrille, tanok-rounddance, Kalinka, Barynya-dance, Cossack danse, squatting danse, Kamarinskaya, a carnival dance with a bear

Day 7
Day 7

The Tsaritsino Landscape Museum-Reserve

• time travel

• lightning-fast change of eras

• “Masquerade ball from the 21st century to the 18th century”

• an outdoors picnic

Kremlin Palace

•​the Alexander Garden

•​the Swan Lake ballet"*

*For an additional fee for those interested

Day 8
Day 8

"My dear capital, my Golden Moscow!"

• the excursion to VDNKh (the Exhibition of the Achievements of the National Economy)

• the Space Museum

• quest “Let's go!” (the famous phrase of Yuri Gagarin)

• The dogs Belka and Strelka are the first living beings in space

Visiting the Ostankino TV Tower

• one of the symbols of Russia and Moscow

• the best panoramic view of Moscow, the main city of Russia

Day 9
Day 9

Communicational Russian conversation course

• entertaining practice

• overcoming the language barrier

The Excursion to the Chistaya Liniya ice cream factory

Find out where the most delicious ice cream is made!

Day 10
Day 10

Photographing the group on the RUDN University campus

Communicational Russian conversation course

• interaction

• overcoming the language barrier

Master class in Russian cuisine at the culinary school “Ginza Project”

• feel like a real chef

• learn to cook Russian cabbage soup “schi” in the oven

fold your first pelmeni (Russian meat dumplings) and make a wish

Day 11
Day 11

Preparing performance pieces for the “Russian Evening” interactive show

The “Russian Evening” Interactive show

• karaoke: popular Russian holiday songs

• the “Song of my country” competition

• the international tea party

Day 12
Day 12

Preparing “My Moscow” final projects

Presenting the final projects

The Solemn Delivery of certificates and group photos

Day 13
Day 13

The Walk through the center of Moscow (a volunteer program)

Buying souvenirs

Preparing for departure

Day 14
Day 14

Departure to Sheremetyevo airport

The cost of the program is

Included in the program:
• Education
• On-campus accommodation
• Three meals a day in the RUDN university cafeteria
• Educational materials
• Excursion program
• Cultural events and entertainment
• Tutors
• Guides
• Transfer from/to the airport
Paid additionally:
• Tickets
• Insurance

84,000 rubles per person

Address: Moscow, str. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6
TLF: +7 (495)787-38-03 (ext. 2000)
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